SMART CITY is developed as an extension of our award-winning item, LOGIBLOCS, with more comprehensive components and suitable for both home-schooling and educational channels.
Inside each colour-coded electronic block are various circuit boards with serveing sole purpose of "input", "output", or "logic gate", which are the fundamentals of programming. The plug-and-play feature allows young children by plugging in different functions of electronic blocks to serve as microchip that operates various electronic systems like a doorbell, a bath water overflow alarm, a police siren light, or complex signal systems with completely screen-free.
SMART CITY 是屢獲殊榮的項目「LOGIBLOCS」的延伸產品,配有更全面的組件,適用於家庭學習和日常敎育。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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