In the Post-COVID-19 era, far-reaching consequences have impacted human beings’ rhythm of life, especially their working style. Therefore, Hybrid Working is in the spotlight. However, it is not an optimistic trend for a densely populated city such as Hong Kong due to the typically small living space so “The Block” is born to be an intelligent home cabinet to cater to this new trend. It is a movable cabinet and 360-degree rotation with tailored functions which creates different scenarios. In the future, a living space will be divided into two areas, the resting zone, and the working zone. It is trying to convenience the people between those two sectors.
在後疫情時代, 人類的生活節奏受到深遠的影響, 尤其工作方式。 現在全球都在討論混合工作, The Block 亦因為這趨勢而出現,可移動,360度旋轉,度身訂造以迎合全球大趨勢。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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