Feeling bored with your instant photos collection?
Insert your next instant film pack with Wakuwaku to create a sense of creativity with your instant photo.
Wakuwaku is a patented design (Japan Patent Number 3240803) gadget for your Fujifilm Instax camera or Polaroid Instant cameras film pack. Wakuwaku is a kind of optical filter, hm...... maybe call it a graphic stamp for your instant film pack.
將 Wakuwaku 插入您下一包即影即有底片盒內,去創造新的即影即有拍攝體驗。
Wakuwaku 是一款專利設計(日本專利號 3240803)小工具,適用於您的 Fujifilm Instax 相機或 Polaroid Instant 相機膠片包。 Wakuwaku 是一種濾光片,嗯……也許可以稱它為即影即有相片的印章。
Hong Kong Smart Design Award 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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