Do you feel annoyed while cleaning the cat litter box? CAToilet can deal with your cat's worries with one rotation. Every cat lover would have a chance to keep their cat at home alone. Therefore, CAToilet could help users to take care of their cats in a hygienic aspect. Also, CAToilet could sense the cat's health by weighing the cat and its waste. If the weight is unusual, the app would notify users immediately.
清潔貓砂盆時您是否感到煩惱? CAToilet 只需旋轉一圈即可解決您的貓的煩惱。 每個愛貓人士都有機會把他們的貓單獨留在家裡。 因此,CAToilet 可以幫助用戶在衛生方面照顧他們的貓。 此外,CAToilet 還可以通過稱重貓及其排泄物來感知貓的健康狀況。 如果體重異常,應用程序會立即通知用戶。
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