The Tummy Time Kit contains beautiful play essentials for babies to begin ‘tummy time’. Paediatricians recommend starting tummy time as early as possible, and with our kit, parents will get all the toys and tools they need for longer and happier sessions of tummy time. From visual toys like the wooden mirror stand to hands-on sensory toys like our Sensory Pads, babies will be encouraged to lift their head and chest off the ground, practicing key motor skills along the way.
「The Tummy Time Kit」是為嬰兒的俯臥時間(Tummy Time)設計的套裝,為他們帶來全新的樂趣。兒科醫生建議嬰兒應該從早期開始進行俯臥時間的練習,但對於嬰兒來說,這個練習可能會引起不適感。這款套裝專為父母提供一系列的玩具和工具,以幫助寶寶更好地享受俯臥時間。從視覺玩具到觸感玩具,還有可調節高度的人體工學設計枕頭,這些玩具和工具將幫助寶寶更輕鬆地進行抬頭和挺腰等動作,同時也有助於練習其他關鍵的運動技能。
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