100% paper made. The only mechanical paper art brand in HK. With the theme of HK stories, combining traditional paper art and the Age of Machines, created "Sail under the Lion Rock". When turn the front handle, the gears push the rows of waves above, then push the boat on the waves. We have witnessed various ups and downs and still have the spirit of moving forward courageously. Another the materials of paper and machines come from nature, they develop completely different directions, soft and hard. To convey the message of peaceful coexistence between people and between people and nature.
100% 紙。 香港唯一機械紙藝品牌。 以香港故事為主題,結合傳統紙藝與機器時代,創作《揚帆獅山》。 當轉動手柄時,船會乘風破浪。 另外紙張和機器的材質都來自於大自然,發展的同時,人與人、人與自然和平共處的訊息。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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