COEXISTENCE trays undulating landscapes are inspired by the theory of "Fictitious & Realistic Coexistence" and "The Sky and Earth Coexist" in Chinese philosophy.The most striking characteristic is its curved shape, as it imitates a natural landscape with mountains and valleys. And as such, it is no coincidence that both COEXISTENCE trays have these patterns skillfully included in their look, and represent a beautiful reminiscence to the nature masterpiece. Like mountains & lakes, they are perfectly coordinated, and both highly polished trays made of stainless steel 18/10 . Even in an individual performance, they are most convincing with a conspicuously elegant curve that recreates the beauty of landscape. They can be set upside-down to each other in different variations, and become one large tray.
The COEXISTENCE collection offers a range of presentation pieces for your home. Designed to be both aesthetically unique and highly functional. Ideal for serving fruits, candy, nuts & jewelry, etc.
COEXISTENCE 「共生」 盤子的設計靈感是來自中國哲學中的「虛實相生」及「天地相合」理論。
最顯著的特點是它展現了自然景觀的彎曲面, 如山湖起伏形態。這兩款 COEXISTENCE 盤子巧妙地將「山光水色」意念融入其中,並代表了對大自然傑作的美好回憶。 如天地、 像山水,兩個盤子完美的相合,並且都是由不銹鋼 18/10 製成的高度拋光的托盤, 展現出碧水微瀾之景。盤子可單獨使用, 也可以兩個組合, 相互倒置並成為一個大托盤。
COEXISTENCE 系列為您的家居提供藝術系列展示作品。 設計既美觀又實用。非常適合盛載水果、糖果、堅果和珠寶等。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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Disclaimer: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organisers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.